Article ID : S500026088 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018Print

When I copy an audio CD with [Windows Media Player] on my VAIO computer with Windows Me pre-installed, the machine becomes unable to recognize the CD-R/RW drive. Why is that so?

    When I copy an audio CD with [Windows Media Player] on my VAIO computer with Windows Me pre-installed, the machine becomes unable to recognize the CD-R/RW drive. Why is that so?

    This symptom occurs due to the specifications of the CD-R writing plug-in program of [Windows Media Player].
    Both Sony and Microsoft, the developer of OS, have confirmed the symptom.
    When this symptom occurs, restart the computer. If your machine has a pre-installed software program dedicated to the writing of data to CD-R/RW, we would recommend you to use it.