Warning on Counterfeit “Memory Stick” Products
We would like to bring to your attention the existence of counterfeit “Memory Stick” products which are sold in the market.
These counterfeit “Memory Stick” products normally have the Sony logo on them and it can be hard to tell at first glance whether they are genuine or counterfeit. However, in many cases the counterfeit products are of inferior quality and performance or simply do not work, and often do not comply with standards in force.
The use of counterfeit products can damage your other electrical products and can cause loss of data that you may have wished to save or transfer to another product.
If another product is damaged through your use of a counterfeit product, the official product guarantee for the first product is unlikely to be applied.
Therefore, to avoid purchasing counterfeit products you should only purchase genuine“Memory Stick” products through Sony authorized dealers.
How to protect yourself and react in case of a counterfeit product?
Packaging and product designs are often copied very convincingly and it is usually difficult to detect visually between a counterfeit and genuine product. Nevertheless, there are certain tell-tale signs such as unusually low prices compared to the usual market retail price or claims of product performance that does not exist in the manufacturer’s catalogue.
If you come across any of these signs, we advise caution and suggest you obtain details of the retailer’s identity and product origin before taking the risk of purchase.
If the product you purchased malfunctions and you suspect it to be counterfeit, we advise you to inform Sony and to send the product and the proof of purchase to your local Sony Support. We can then determine whether the product is a counterfeit or not and let you know.
If the product you have purchased is counterfeit, please contact the shop or the retailer from where you purchased, and consult with them on your product.
If you have further questions, please click here to view FAQs or alternatively contact your local Sony service centre.