Adjusting the sound quality manually (Music Center for PC Ver.1.0)
During playback of a song whose sound quality you want to adjust, click [Equalizer] - [Customize] . The sliders will appear on the screen. The sliders are arranged by frequency from left to right (from bass to treble). Drag each slider to adjust the sound quality.
Click [Add to presets] to save the adjusted sound quality as a preset equalizer setting.
The saved preset equalizer setting will appear in the preset list.
To revert the setting to the unadjusted sound quality
Select [OFF] on the equalizer screen.
- To delete a saved preset equalizer setting, click [Delete] while the desired preset equalizer setting is selected.
You cannot delete the original preset equalizer settings. - Even if you close the equalizer screen without saving the adjusted sound quality as a preset equalizer setting, songs will be played in the adjusted sound quality.