XDCAM FAQs | Some common XDCAM questions answered here.

Q: How long does the laser last?

A: In the decks, Sony's recommended replacement interval for the laser is 6,000 hours of operation (recording and playback combined).This corresponds to three years of use at a constant eight hours a day, five days a week, 50 weeks a year. On the camcorders, the interval is 4,000 hours of operation. These replacement intervals are based upon Sony's simulation of normal usage. Sony XDCAM optical camcorders, decks and drives constantly monitor the laser's health by checking the current to the laser. As the laser approaches the end of its life, the current will fall out of tolerance, triggering an alarm. In this way, you can replace the laser before failure occurs.

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Q: Can I replace the laser myself?

A: It depends. The replacement item is not the laser itself, but an optical block that includes the laser. Replacing and adjusting the optical block requires no special skill. But the installer would require a special measurement tool called an Autocollimator. However, Sony does not expect that a customer will want to buy an Autocollimator for such infrequent servicing.

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